Our History

Much of the background of the United Church of Painted Post arrangement comes from the 1972 Hurricane Agnes flood that devastated our valley. Prior to the flood, the Presbyterian Church faced North Hamilton Street while around the corner, the Methodist Church faced Chemung Street. The two education buildings were adjacent to the respective churches. Shortly after the flood, the two Christian Education groups merged into one common program with teachers from both congregations serving the various classes.

The '72 flood damaged both Sanctuary buildings to such an extent that they had to be replaced. With the Christian Ed experience in mind, the question was posed, "Why two buildings? Can't we build just one new sanctuary to serve both congregations?" After much prayer and discussion, the idea was accepted.

Each church had its own pastor and worship hour with the hours alternating year to year. The arrangement worked very well for more than thirty years. With many joint activities: special worship services, dinners, work bees, etc., members of the two congregations came closer together.

Thus, some months after the Presbyterian pastor left in 2005, both congregations agreed to hold just one joint Sunday morning worship service, even though each congregation would remain independent of the other.

In 2010, after several years of enjoying combined worship services, the two congregations began the process which ended with the two congregations voting to federate in 2011 to become what is now known as the United Church of Painted Post.